Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Lindsay Lohan car accident: police think actress may have lied

Lindsay Lohan was involved in a car accident on Friday, and while no one was seriously injured, the drama continues for the much-beleaguered actress. According to TMZ, the Santa Monica Police Department is investigating whether or not Lohan lied to police officers when questioned at the hospital.
Lohan was driving a rented Porsche, with her assistant in the passenger seat, on the Pacific Coast Highway on June 8 when she rear-ended a truck, causing massive damage to the $80,000 vehicle. She was checked out at a local hospital, and according to TMZ, told police that she wasn't driving the car at the time of the accident, and that the driver was her assistant. However, Lohan's assistant later told police the actress was, in fact, the driver.

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