Friday, June 22, 2012

Fundraising goes viral for victim of school bus taunting

At one point Thursday morning, e-mails were pouring into Greece Athena Middle School Principal Dave Richardson's inbox at a rate of more than 30 a minute.
Between Wednesday night and Thursday afternoon, he received more than 4,000 electronic missives from around the world decrying the horrid behavior of a few of his students, who were captured on video Monday taunting and teasing 68-year-old bus monitor Karen Klein with tirades of cruel, profane invective.
The video, posted to YouTube early Wednesday, set off an Internet maelstrom that generated hundreds of notes of support for Klein, raised more than $440,000 in donations in just two days to send her on a nice vacation and made Klein, a grandmother of eight, the media star of the moment. The YouTube video hits had grown exponentially, reaching 2.2 million views by Thursday evening.

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