Wednesday, May 9, 2012

This is my last chance to avoid a civil war in Syria

United Nations - The Arab League said the special envoy of coffee anana, given his last chance for peace, Syria may be planned to avoid civil war.14-month agreement with Syria astrabirati bloody abasane about a work. Observers say, is about 1 thousand people have been killed in violence.Former Secretary General of the United Nations security council said Tuesday in a coffee anana, Syria's first job is to kill off. He was tortured, Games and human rights violations in the deep concerns expressed.Kutanitikera ananake of the coffee, but the force of the Agreement on 1 April astrabirati regime, the general public on repression - repression continued. However, the presence of UN military observers on the spot because it is being attacked.Syria plans to bring peace and stability in his last chance to Folio anana the Geneva said, "Our priority now is to be killed off. 'The peace plan of President Bashar al karyakare anana asadake Security Council agreed to carry the flag of Appeals also. At the time he was, 'This is probably the last chance to avoid civil war.'Ananera spokesman, said plans are to return to dameske anana soon. Peace with Syria back year after this second visit to the country ananera.United Nations observer team car carrying the bomb: dera in the city of the United Nations observer team on Wednesday carrying a bomb attack has been garibahare. Syria car bomb hit the senabahanira. The three senasadasya injured. The United Nations observer team leader, Major General Robert Mood of garibahare.Syria currently are 30 people watching location.Meanwhile, yesterday morning, security forces shot a civilian dameskera dauma have been killed in the city. Thus, the counter-attack on the forces of repression Bashar threatened by armed insurgent groups, free Syria Syrian Army (ephaesae) leader, Colonel Riyadh al-procurement. He said government forces on the Protesters break - press running, he can not sit idle.Colonel Riyadh on these statements by the two parties astrabirati more than threaten. Against the two parties were now becoming astrabirati violations.

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