Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Greece faces a deep crisis in economy

Face of the deep crisis in European countries plagued by rne Greece. International Currency Fund (aiemaepha) and the European Commission (EU) assistance packages, and internal cost - because of the compression policy disagreements can not form the government parties after the election.Units of government will not choose to be in a few weeks, which will push desatike economic and political disasters.Parliament elections in Greece last Sunday. 300 seats 108 seats in parliament won by the team led by the New Democracy Party ayantanio samarasera. He has led ayaleksisa striparasera Posts party. The group has two seats 5. Won third place in the AL-led 41 ibhanajelosa bhenijelosera pasaka Party. The Independent grikasa Party 33, Communist Party of 6, 1 Golden Dawn and the Democratic Left has 19 seats. The seat of government for that government alone can not be found.Most of the seats available in the New Democracy party in Greece because the government failed to President kyarolosa papauliyasa Posts Party in government invited. Posts party within three days if the government failed to present its position to the next government will be invited to the team.Posts by ayaleksisa striparasa government has started talks with various groups.Help get the package from the EU and Greece striparasa aiemaephera the terms of the agreement, several. The agreement was 'brutal' in the comments. He said they are trying to form a coalition government, who do not obey the agreement. Striparasa the help of one thousand 100 million euro package of spending - will not be shrinkage. Total employment will be half off.The coalition government of New Democracy and pasoka Wednesday meeting with party leaders to striparasera. The two party terms and conditions of the assistance package. I think these meetings are not likely to exceed analysts.If the government failed in the third period Friday striparasa pasoka Party position on the government to tell the President. If the president of a national consensus government partio pasoka not try.If the initiative does not succeed the president in the new few weeks will be.If the government can not end Greece's economic and political aspects to it will sankatei.Greece debt - a difficult condition to overcome the crisis and iiura aiemaepha from 400 million euro support package to get the agreement of the two.

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