Thursday, May 10, 2012

Powerful bombs were killed in syria 55 people

Syria has two powerful bombs exploded at least 55 people were killed and 170 were injured. State television said the country's interrogation, on the eighth floor of a building in the capital damask Thursday morning in the bombing. The sikhuna, Darren, and protecting the security forces shot and killed three in the city.
Military security of the building exploded in front of some buildings around ansasaha is devastated. A small interval of the first and the second explosion. A local journalist said the second explosion was more devastating.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, human rights organizations UK said, the number of dead could rise further. Military and civilian members of the country's security forces have been targeted in the attacks.
Syria said the main opposition party, the government's hand behind the devastating explosion of the two. Syrian National Council, the executive branch leaders nasara Sami said the attack through the United Nations observer team has been warned. In this case the government wants the international community to show that the 'terrorists' in their fight against it.
The Syrian army's heavy artillery from the night bombardment Homes has been in the town. Government  demonstrators, said Wednesday night in the last few weeks most of the heavy rain outside. Implementation of the UN and the Arab League initiative as part of the city peace arms trying to start the international observers. Syria currently is about 70 people watching location. But the country by half violence does not reduce.
During the past few months, the city damask government against people was murdered by several bomb attacks. 10 people killed in suicide bomb blasts last month. According to UN data, in March last year after Syria democracy movement of thousands of people have been killed at least 1 year.

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